• Guest Post: Annual Collection of Top Vitamin D Publications – By William B. Grant, PhD
    By Guest Contributor
    Apr 10

    Guest Post: Annual Collection of Top Vitamin D Publications – By William B. Grant, PhD

    [Note: We are committed to publishing emerging developments, studies, and opinions on the edges of health. This is a guest post by William B. Grant, PhD. All opinions expressed by guest contributors are solely the writer’s own, and are not reflective of the opinions of Historic Health.] William B. Grant, PhD, was educated as a […]

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  • People Are Taking P5P Supplements Instead of Vitamin B6. Are They Onto Something?
    By Historic Health Staff
    Sep 20

    People Are Taking P5P Supplements Instead of Vitamin B6. Are They Onto Something?

    The supplement industry is always buzzing about B-complex vitamins, and for good reason. But a special type of B-vitamin is making people rethink their routines: P5P. Short for pyridoxal-5-phosphate, P5P is the active form of vitamin B6. Normally, when you ingest vitamin B6 through food or supplements, your liver has to convert it to P5P […]

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  • Got Acne? Get Some Vitamin C, ASAP
    By Historic Health Staff
    Mar 01

    Got Acne? Get Some Vitamin C, ASAP

    Acne: it’s not just a nightmare for teenagers. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it’s the most common skin condition in the United States, with 50 million Americans suffering symptoms from pesky pustules to painful cysts.  While there is no one-size-fits-all cure, treatments abound. From special diets to birth control pills to topical ingredients […]

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  • My Supplement Formula: Dr. Jaclyn Tomsic
    By Historic Health Staff
    Feb 15

    My Supplement Formula: Dr. Jaclyn Tomsic

    Welcome to “My Supplement Formula,” our interview series that explores how high achievers use nutrition to unlock their potential. Check in each month to get an exclusive look into the supplement routines of the world’s greatest athletes, artists, and entrepreneurs.

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  • High Vitamin B12 Levels and Cancer: Is There a Link?
    By Historic Health Staff
    Jan 11

    High Vitamin B12 Levels and Cancer: Is There a Link?

    If you’ve heard rumblings about a potential link between vitamin B12 and cancer, you might be tempted to throw your supplements out the window. Not so fast, though—this is likely a matter of correlation, not causation. 

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  • My Supplement Formula: Sara Quiriconi
    By Historic Health Staff
    Dec 13

    My Supplement Formula: Sara Quiriconi

    Welcome to “My Supplement Formula,” our interview series that explores how high achievers use nutrition to unlock their potential. Check in each month to get an exclusive look into the supplement routines of the world’s greatest athletes, artists, and entrepreneurs.

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  • What are Macronutrients, a.k.a. “Macros”?
    By Historic Health Staff
    Dec 07

    What are Macronutrients, a.k.a. “Macros”?

    Have you recently heard someone talking about “counting macros,” and wondered what they were talking about? When we talk about macros, we’re talking about macronutrientsL a category of nutrients that your body simply can’t live without.

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  • Micronutrients 101: Your Essential Guide
    By Historic Health Staff
    Nov 28

    Micronutrients 101: Your Essential Guide

    You may think you’ve never heard of micronutrients. But have you heard of vitamins and minerals? That’s what we’re referring to when we use the term “micronutrients.” The “micro” in the name refers to the amount our bodies need to function properly (read: not very much). 

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  • Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
    By Historic Health Staff
    Nov 23

    Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)

    Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, keeps blood and nerve cells healthy, helps make DNA, and plays a key role in energy production. Vitamin B12 is naturally found in most animal foods. It can also be added to foods or supplements.

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  • Vitamin B9 (Folate or Folic Acid)
    By Historic Health Staff
    Nov 23

    Vitamin B9 (Folate or Folic Acid)

    Vitamin B9 (commonly known as “folate”) is naturally present in many foods. Folate is primarily needed to make DNA and other genetic material. It also enables cells to divide. A form of folate, called folic acid, is used in fortified foods and most dietary supplements.

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  • Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
    By Historic Health Staff
    Nov 23

    Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

    Vitamin B7, more popularly known as biotin, is a water-soluble B vitamin found naturally in some foods and also in supplements. Like other B-vitamins it helps enzymes to break down fats, carbohydrates, and proteins in food. However, its key function is to help regulate signals sent by cells and the activity of genes.

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  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
    By Historic Health Staff
    Nov 23

    Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

    Vitamin B6 is naturally present in many foods and required by the body for more than 100 enzyme reactions involved in metabolism. It also assists brain development during pregnancy as well as immune function.

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  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
    By Historic Health Staff
    Nov 23

    Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)

    Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is one of eight B vitamins and an essential nutrient that is naturally present in a wide variety of plant and animal foods. The main function of this water-soluble B vitamin is in the synthesis of coenzyme A (CoA) and acyl carrier protein which aids fatty acid synthesis.

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  • Vitamin A
    By Historic Health Staff
    Nov 23

    Vitamin A

    Vitamin A (also called retinol or retinoic acid) is a nutrient that supports vision, immunity, cell division, and reproduction. Vitamin A’s antioxidant properties help protect your body against disease-causing free radicals.

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  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
    By Historic Health Staff
    Nov 23

    Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

    Vitamin B3 (niacin) is a water-soluble nutrient that helps your body convert food into energy, create cholesterol and fats, create and repair DNA, and has antioxidant effects.

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  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
    By Historic Health Staff
    Nov 23

    Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

    Vitamin B2 (also known as riboflavin) is a water-soluble nutrient that’s naturally present in some foods, added to some food products, and available as a dietary supplement. Vitamin B2 plays a key role in the growth of cells, energy production, and processing fats, steroids, and medication.

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  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
    By Historic Health Staff
    Nov 22

    Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

    Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is one of eight B vitamins. This water-soluble nutrient enables your body to use carbohydrates as energy.

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  • Vitamin E
    By Historic Health Staff
    Nov 22

    Vitamin E

    Vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient that acts as an antioxidant—this means it protects your cells from damage caused by free radicals.

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  • Vitamin K
    By Historic Health Staff
    Nov 22

    Vitamin K

    Vitamin K is important for blood clotting and maintaining bone strength. There are two types of vitamin K: Phylloquinone (Vitamin K1) and Menaquinones (Vitamin K2).

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  • Vitamin D
    By Historic Health Staff
    Nov 22

    Vitamin D

    Vitamin D is a “micro” nutrient that has a huge impact on the health of your brain, bones, immune system, and more.

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