Molybdenum is an essential trace mineral that occurs naturally in foods and is available in supplements. It is a component of four different enzymes in the body that help break down proteins, alcohol, drugs, and toxins.
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Fluoride Deficiency
Fluoride deficiency is rare, since most people get adequate amounts from food and fluoridated tap water. A fluoride deficiency can lead to dental caries (tooth decay) and potentially bone problems. Most public water supplies have added fluoride, which helps meet the requirements of fluoride in the body for dental health.
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Potassium Deficiency
Despite its importance, many adults don’t get their recommended daily amount of potassium. This is often attributed to diets high in processed foods.
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Copper Deficiency
Copper deficiency is rare among healthy people and occurs primarily in people with genetic disorders or malabsorption problems such as Crohn’s and celiac disease. A genetic condition called Menkes disease interferes with copper absorption, leading to severe deficiency that could become fatal without copper injections.
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Sodium Deficiency
Hyponatremia, or low sodium levels, is when the concentration of sodium in your blood is abnormally low. An average blood sodium level is between 135 and 145 milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L).
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Iron Deficiency
Iron deficiency affects up to 5 million Americans each year, making it the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide. An iron deficiency is seen most commonly in children, women who are menstruating or pregnant, and those eating a diet lacking in iron.
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Molybdenum Deficiency
A molybdenum deficiency is extremely rare. It happens primarily in people with a very rare genetic disorder called molybdenum cofactor deficiency.
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Vitamin D Deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency is a public health crisis, with over one billion people worldwide falling short of their daily requirements. Maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D can be challenging for any busy adult.
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Vitamin A Deficiency
Vitamin A deficiency is an easily-preventable yet common health concern. Its most common symptom is an eye-condition called xerophthalmia, which is the inability to see in low light (or night blindness), and it can cause permanent blindness if it isn’t treated.
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Magnesium Deficiency
Although magnesium is naturally found in a wide variety of foods, many dietary surveys show that it is eaten in less than recommended amounts. However, these deficiency levels are marginal and not likely to produce symptoms. The body also helps to preserve magnesium levels when stores are low by limiting the amount excreted in urine and absorbing more magnesium in the gut.
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Manganese Deficiency
A deficiency of manganese is very rare, and there are no specific groups of people known to be at risk for developing a deficiency.
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Zinc Deficiency
Zinc deficiency is rare and usually affects people who can’t absorb the nutrient because of digestive issues. People with liver and kidney disease are also at risk.
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Calcium Deficiency
After about age 30, bones start losing calcium which reduces bone strength and leads to osteoporosis, which is characterized by fragile bones. Calcium deficiency can also cause rickets in children and other bone disorders in adults, although these disorders are more commonly caused by vitamin D deficiency.
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Chromium Deficiency
Although the body only absorbs 5% or less of chromium in the gut, chromium deficiency is rare. The risk of chromium deficiency may increase with pregnancy and lactation, strenuous exercise, and physical stress from infections or trauma.
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Abnormal heart rate
Aggressive behavior
Bleeding gums
Blood in stool
Blood in urine
Bloody nose
Bone deformities
Bone fractures
Bone weakness
Bright red tongue
Brittle nails
Burning of feet
Burning of hands
Canker sores
Cardiovascular issues
Changes in color of fingernails
Changes in color of hair
Changes in color of skin
Chronic inflammation
Cracked lips
Cracks at the corners of mouth
Delayed development in infants
Dental abnormalities
Difficulty concentrating
Dry skin
Enlarged heart
Excess blood
Extremely sensitive hearing in infants
Frequent infections
Gum inflammation
Hair depigmentation
Hair loss
Heart palpitations
Hemolytic anemia
High cholesterol
Increased infections
Irregular heart rate
Irregular patches on the white of eyes
Itchy eyes
Itchy rash
Itchy skin
Joint pain
Lightened patches of skin
Loosening of teeth
Loss of appetite
Loss of balance
Loss of concentration
Loss of coordination
Loss of hair color
Loss of sensation
Loss of smell
Loss of taste
Megaloblastic anemia
Memory loss
Mood changes
Mood swings
Mouth lesions
Muscle cramps
Muscle paralysis
Muscle weakness
Neck lump
Nerve damage
Night blindness
Numbness in fingers
Open sores in mouth
Open sores on tongue
Other skin conditions
Pale skin
Paranoid behavior
Pernicious anemia
Personality changes
Poor appetite
Poor reflexes
Premenstrual pain
Rapid heartbeat
Red eyes
Reduced response to blood sugar (glucose)
Reduced sensation in feet
Reduced sensation in hands
Reproductive problems
Respiratory tract infections
Rough skin that turns red or brown in the sun
Scaly skin
Scaly skin on lips
Scaly skin rashes around eyes
Scaly skin rashes around mouth
Scaly skin rashes around nose
Seizures and subsequent death in infants
Seizures in infants
Sensitivity to cold
Shortness of breath
Skin disorders
Skin rash
Sleeping problems
Slow growth
Slow growth in children
Slow wound healing
Sluggishness in infants
Sore throat
Soreness of mouth
Soreness of tongue
Split hair
Stomach pain
Suicidal behavior
Swelling of mouth
Swelling of throat
Swollen tongue
Teeth loss
Thinning hair
Tingling in fingers
Tingling in hands
Tingling in legs
Tingling in skin
Tooth damage
Tooth decay
Tooth loss
Ulcers on the cornea of eyes
Weak immune system
Weak muscle tone in infants
Weight gain
Weight loss