Ginko biloba improves brain function for stroke patients. Licorice increased blood pressure even in small doses. Apple cider vinegar improves metabolic health by reducing blood glucose, total cholesterol, and triglycerides.

Every week we discover inspiring, informative, and sometimes shocking health-related news. From new studies to insightful analysis, here is what you need to know this week:

  • Ginko biloba compounds can improve cognitive function for those people who have recently experienced an acute ischemic stroke. A new study indicates that patients treated with Ginko biloba had better cognitive recovery and reduced inflammation. Open Medicine
  • Consuming small quantities of licorice can increase blood pressure. New research from Sweden demonstrates that even small amounts of daily licorice intake increased blood pressure and heart strain in healthy adults. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
  • Apple cider vinegar reduces blood glucose, triglycerides, and total cholesterol levels. A new study from Lebanon confirms that this traditional health drink does seem to improve these three biochemical markers of metabolic health. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health