Mark Neveu develops and commercializes innovative, clean label delivery systems that support a healthy microbiome. He holds patents in the novel CTLA-4 biologic (Tremilimumab) and elucidated mechanisms of immune enhancement signaling. Fellow pioneers of the CTLA-4 immune checkpoint won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Medicine (Ipilimumab, Yervoy). This research resulted in several novel oncology drugs including the first EGFR non-cytotoxic drug Tarceva® for specific cancer mutations (e.g. NSCLC, pancreatic). He is an honorary fellow at Harvard Medical, focused on leading research on environmental toxicology and cancer epigenetics (Maspin, Connexins, etc).
Following his growing interest in the healing power of nature, Mark Neveu was appointed president of the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine conducting international research on integrative treatments for degenerative diseases. He works in the lab with natural health companies on biophysics innovations related to nanotechnology and personalized wellness. His company, Wellomics has developed cutting-edge technologies to design (systems pharmacology), create (molecular biophysics), and measure effectiveness (Nof1). Mark Neveu’s work has resulted in well over 50 drugs, biologics, and natural health product formulations that have been commercialized for 20 years. He has spoken at numerous scientific conferences, extensively published his work, and holds numerous patents.